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Complex Care

Complex care is a person-centred approach to address the needs of person whose combinations of medical, behavioural health and social challenges. Complex care begins with the person, their strengths, and their goals - it leverages their relationships and natural daily structures to live their life to the highest possible quality.


If you are interested in discussing our care, or looking for care for you or a loved one, you can book an assessment with us below.

If you have been diagnosed with an illness, disability or sensory impairment and needs a lot of additional support daily, you’re described as having “complex needs”. A person might have complex needs from birth, or after an illness or injury. Complex care differs from domiciliary care since it generally involves medical intervention and involvement with clinicians and nurses that specialise in that individual’s particular condition. The aim of complex care at home is to provide support around an individual’s needs and enable them to retain their independence as much as possible. Some examples of complex care conditions are (but not limited to): Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis, gastronomy conditions (incl. PEG feeding), catheter conditions, bowel conditions, stoma conditions, and more.

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© 2024 Inna Care Ltd. Registered office: 2A Gloucester Road, Romford, Essex, RM1 1QJ.
Registered in England and Wales No 10458750.

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