End of Life Care
As a society, we’re often quite scared to talk about death and end-of-life care, but it’s incredibly important that people are informed of the process and the kind of care and support to expect at this stage of life. We can never know when end-of-life care is needed, but we are here to support you. No matter what you will be treated with dignity and respect - at every stage we’ll ask you about your preferences and what you would like to happen, the kind of care and support you want to receive, and your wishes for after you pass away.
If you are interested in discussing our care, or looking for care for you or a loved one, you can book an assessment with us below.
End-of-life care includes palliative care and any other forms of support you may require, improving your quality of life as much as possible. If you’re religious and wish for a certain kind of ceremony, if you want us to support family and friends during and after your care, then we can help. In fact, some studies have shown that receiving high quality palliative care can help extend life as well as improve quality of life.
For more information on end of life care please check out these websites: