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Covid-19 Vaccine – Protecting Our Heroes

Updated: Feb 24, 2021

As a healthcare professional, it is clear that you are at heightened risk of catching the Covid-19 virus. Frontline workers in the NHS are reported as being seven times more likely to catch the virus, and those in social care twice as likely (Occupation and risk of severe COVID-19: prospective cohort study of 120 075 UK Biobank participants). This puts not only your own health at risk, but the health of those your care for, service users and your loved ones.

The introduction of a vaccine has provided a light at the end of this dark tunnel, so to help you prepare yourself for receiving the vaccination, here are some information you might need around the benefits, and side effects, as well as providing you with all the important information you require.

The science behind a safer future

The Pfizer and Oxford vaccines are now being supplied across the nation, with more than 3.5 million currently vaccinated against Covid-19 ( By taking the DNA of a virus which has gripped the world, we are able to work towards a safer future.

The vaccine works by injecting a set of instructions into your body. These instructions enable your body to create a harmless protein which is unique to the Covid-19 virus. The protein creates the antibodies and cells required to fight off this particular virus.

How the vaccination works

The Covid-19 vaccination is given in two doses via an intradermal injection into the upper arm. The two doses of the vaccination are given 3 to 12 weeks apart to give the body enough time to develop protection from the first vaccination. The first dose of the vaccine gives 76% protection and when followed by the second dose, the percentage shoots up to an incredible 90%. It is vital to have both doses of the vaccination to ensure optimum protection.

The vaccinations have undergone vigorous testing and have met strict UK standards of safety, quality and efficiency as set by the Independent Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. You cannot catch the Covid-19 virus from the vaccination and no evidence suggests that the virus can be spread by having this vaccine.

It is vital to ensure you do not present with symptoms of the Covid-19 virus prior to attending your vaccination appointment. Attending your appointment with symptoms will place yourself, the public and the healthcare professionals administering the vaccine at risk.

Know the symptoms:

· A new persistent cough

· A high temperature

· Loss of taste and smell

Protecting you - Protect others

Unfortunately, no matter how healthy you are, you are still at risk of contracting the virus, and even without symptoms you may pass Covid-19 on to your patients, service users and family without knowing. The vaccination drastically reduces your chances of catching the virus, therefore it is vital you receive this ground-breaking vaccine to ensure that our health and social care services continue to function.

Healthcare professionals place themselves at risk every day to ensure the safety of those they care for. With at least 540 frontline healthcare professionals sadly losing their lives to the Covid-19 virus, health and social care workers are being offered the vaccine as a priority. You should be vaccinated as soon as possible to keep you safe.

The government have created a rollout scheme to ensure those at high risk are vaccinated as soon as possible. When you are called for your vaccination depends on certain criteria which assesses your risk of complications from catching the virus. First to be vaccinated are the elderly, frontline health and social care workers, care home residents and those with particular clinical conditions such as cancer, breathing difficulties or immunity disorders.

We are here for our heroes

As healthcare professionals, you are doing an outstanding job working on the frontline, and we cannot thank you enough for everything you have been doing, and continue to do, during this global pandemic. We encourage you to have the Covid-19 vaccination so you can work confidently knowing you are protected. By accepting the Covid-19 vaccination you are doing everything you can to work safely and provide outstanding care.

To ensure you feel confident receiving the Covid-19 vaccination, we have answered some of the most common questions asked:

  • Can I have the vaccination if I am pregnant? Although there is no evidence to suggest the Covid-19 vaccination is unsafe to receive while pregnant, the Independent Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency states it must require more evidence before pregnant women may receive it.

  • I am trying to conceive; can I have the vaccine? You may have the vaccination if you are trying to conceive. There is no evidence to suggest the vaccination will affect your ability to conceive.

  • Who CAN’T have the vaccine? You can’t have the vaccination if you are pregnant, or have had a serious allergic reaction to previous vaccinations, medications, certain household products or make-up. If you have serious allergies, you should check with your doctor if it is safe for you to get the vaccine. You might have a serious allergy if you carry an EpiPen.

  • Do I need to avoid pregnancy after the vaccination? There is no evidence to suggest that the vaccination will affect future pregnancies.

  • What are the side effects? You may have a sore arm at the site of injection. Some people feel tired, have a headache, body aches or nausea. Symptoms are mild and should not last longer than a week.

  • Do I need to isolate after my vaccination? You do not have to isolate after having the Covid-19 vaccination. You only have to isolate if you or a family member test positive for Covid-19, have symptoms or you have come into to close contact with someone who has tested positive.

  • Does the vaccine make me completely immune? No. The Covid-19 vaccination provides protection from the virus and is 90% effective after both doses of the vaccine. There is still a small chance you may catch the virus; however, the vaccine can reduce the seriousness.

  • Can I have the vaccine if I have tested positive? If you have tested positive for Covid-19 you should wait four weeks before getting the vaccine.

  • Where can I gain advice on the vaccine? NHS 111 now have a dedicated Covid-19 advice line. For any queries regarding the Covid-19 vaccination please call {ANNE TO PROVIDE NUMBER} Should you have any questions regarding the Covid-19 virus and your health call 119 for the Covid-19 line.

  • How do I get the vaccine? You will receive a letter inviting you for the Covid-19 vaccination. It is your responsibility to book an appointment for the vaccination once you have received the invite. Your letter will state where you will be able to receive the vaccination and you must book directly with the vaccination facilitator.

A sincere thank you

The Covid-19 vaccination is quick, easy, painless and will enable us to work towards a safer future. An incredible breakthrough in the Covid-19 pandemic and one of the greatest achievements in modern medicine, this ground-breaking vaccination is allowing healthcare workers to do their jobs confidently and safely, whilst also protecting loved ones and the wider general public.

We cannot stress enough how proud we are of our health and social care professionals. Thank you for your dedication, hard work and selflessness during the global pandemic.

Should you require any further information please contact



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